When Weeds Talk


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Title:  When Weeds Talk
Author:  Jay McCaman

Blurb: This second edition of Weeds and Why They Grow, retitled When Weeds Talk, by Jay L. McCaman, is filled with new weeds and expanded chapters. Hundreds of weeds of commercial importance are detailed along with the chemical analysis of accompanying soils.  A 2nd edition of Weeds and Why They Grow. Acres U.S.A. has long shown that weed control lies in fertility management. Every weed grows in a somewhat narrow window of allowable soil conditions. For the first time, hundreds of weeds of commercial importance are detailed along with the chemical analysis of accompanying soils. For example, burdock grows in soils with very high levels of iron and sulfate, very low levels of calcium and manganese. Balance the soil, lose the weed.

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Weight .370 kg