Folks, this aint normal


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Title:  Folks, this aint normal
Author:  Joel Salatin

Blurb:  Imagine, four generations living on a farm surrounded by verdant fields, feasting on pasture-raised food freshly picked or from on over-flowing basement larder then minimally prepared in the home kitchen; working together in the barn and fields during the day and gathering around the table at night. Modern Americans don`t live like this today, but farmer Joel Salatin and his family do. For them, this is normal.

Salatin has become the voice of clean, local, healthy eating and urges people in “Folks, This Ain’t Normal” to take a closer look at our food: What’s in it, where is it coming from and how did it get to the table? Entertaining, enlightening and thought-provoking, Salatin’s message is for all of us – to seek wholesome, seasonal food raised organically, procured locally, and prepared lovingly. And don’t forget about quality family time and respecting the environment too.