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Regenerative Agriculture for Small Properties Workshop – Bass Hall and River Garden 18 June 2022

Do you have a small property and want to transition to a regenerative agricultural management regime? Do you need more guidance on how to start your regenerative agricultural journey? Join us for this exciting workshop where you will find out more about planning for your regenerative agriculture small property and identifying property constraints using Permaculture […]

Compost and Actively Aearated Compost Tea Making Workshop

AgPath Laboratory, 105 Gunn Rd, Vervale

This popular workshop highlights the importance of Soil Health enhancement through the natural process of compost making.  Learn by sharing the knowledge and experience of scientist Dr Mary Cole, and master composter Alan Cole and brewer Gerhard Grasser, who will each help fill the gaps in your compost making and actively aerated compost tea brewing.

Farm World Learning Sessions

Farm World, Lardner Park Burnt Store Road, Lardner

Gerhard has been invited to present at Farm World this year on Soil Health and Regenerative Agriculture at the Farm World Learning Sessions program 11-14 April.  Please go to , and select the Free Learning Sessions tab on the right hand side for full program details to share with interested members and friends.